(function() { let container = document.getElementById("header-contact-container"); fetch("https://pearllemonweb.com/headercontactinformation") .then(response => response.text()) .then(html => { let parser = new DOMParser(); let doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html"); let contactInfo = doc.querySelector("#HeaderContactInformation"); // Extract the section if (contactInfo) { container.innerHTML = contactInfo.outerHTML; // Wait for content to load, then apply styles setTimeout(() => { let elements = container.querySelectorAll(".elementor-icon-list-items.elementor-inline-items"); elements.forEach(el => { el.style.color = "white !important"; // Ensure text color is white }); }, 100); // Small delay to ensure elements are loaded } }) .catch(error => console.error("Error fetching contact info:", error)); })();

40+ Web Design Statistics You Need to Know in 2025


At Pearl Lemon Web, where we dedicate ourselves to designing, building, and maintaining websites, understanding website design statistics is crucial for our work and our clients. Our commitment to excellence drives us to gather a comprehensive range of important website design statistics. Today, we’re excited to share some of the most significant insights with you, […]