Reach Your Business Goals with Web Development Consulting

Do you want to increase your traffic, increase revenue, and build a strong web presence?
If the answer is yes, then consider utilising web development consulting to help reach your business goals.
So how can our agency help your brand, and what benefits can we provide? I’m glad you asked.

What is a Web Development Consultant?

A web development consultant is trained with a problem-solving attitude! As a consultant, they will suggest and design the best solutions for your website. A web development consultant will identify the areas of improvement to strengthen your website’s performance.

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How a Web Development Consultant can help your Brand


Identify areas of improvement

Our web development consultant team will take the time to spot the different areas of your website that can use improvements. They will look at SEO, coding, design, web presence, etc.

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Develop solutions

From there, our consultant team will design numerous solutions to tackle the areas of improvement. Some solutions are easier to implement and have guaranteed results, while others do not. 

Sometimes multiple solutions need to be created to tackle one issue. When the solutions are created, they are ready to be implemented. 

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Take action quickly

Solutions are then implemented through SEO, writing code, web applications, etc. If the first round of solutions does not work, the web development consultant will head back to the drawing boards! 

The goal is to take action for a strong brand presence. A solved problem can result in more traffic, more revenue, and more brand awareness.

Web development consultants have a problem-solving mindset, so it is within their role to find ways to improve your site.

How Pearl Lemon’s Web Development Consultant Team Will Help Your Brand

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The competition for ranking and getting visitors is a constant war. Everyone’s journey is different, but no matter what, it takes work. At Pearl Lemon, we want to make sure that all your hard work is displayed and appreciated. We will talk more about how Pearl Lemon can help you succeed.

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A web development consultant can help you with the journey by clearing the path for you. As we know, there is no straight path to rank on page one on google, but there are obstacles to avoid.

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A web development consultant can prepare and strengthen your website, so those obstacles seem non-existent. If you are recovering from an obstacle, then our consultant team will also help speed the recovery process and make you stronger than ever.

We specialise in SEO

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Pearl Lemon specialises in SEO; thus, our team is trained to find ways to improve your website. SEO can make or break the success of your website, so you want to take advantage of getting a second opinion.

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Our web development consultant team can take a look at what area of SEO needs improvement. Yes! There are multiple areas of SEO that need to be looked at because they can make a definite difference.

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We examine the on-site issues that are holding you back from growth and success. Once your on-site issues are fixed, the consultant will continue to examine your website from all areas to see what needs improvement. We will even run a comprehensive SEO audit to find solutions that are tailored to your needs.

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Pearl lemon will monitor Web Traffic

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Since we are looking to improve your website from every angle, we consistently monitor your web traffic. This method helps us understand what works and what doesn’t.

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If a visitor has one bad experience, it can prevent that person from ever coming to your website again - which is not what we want. We want to take a close look at the web traffic to examine the visitor’s behaviours.

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By looking at the behaviours we can aim to make the best experience for them which will benefit your company in the long run.

We aim to find the best solutions

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Web development consultants are people who can give the extra boost your website needs to reach your business goals.

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Web development consulting services can improve web strategy, increase premium content, and generate more traffic for your business.

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Those benefits alone bring value and increase your rank on Google, which leads to more revenue generated.

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Stay informed every step of the way

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At Pearl Lemon, we keep an open line of communication. It can be scary running into an issue, so we want to ease your nerves and inform you of what we know. Every relationship will be different, so it is up to you how often you want us to update you.

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We can update you anytime a problem is identified and every time we find a solution. Or we can schedule weekly email updates if needed. The level of communication is up to you because we want you to feel comfortable with every action.

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We will also keep you informed of potential solutions, the result of the solution, and how they will be implemented. If you are not satisfied with a solution, our team is trained to develop solutions for you.

Who needs a Web Development Consultant?

Web Development consultants are for companies who have built a foundation for their website and are looking to strengthen it. The consultants recognise the original work and strengthen the foundation before building from it. Consultants are there for companies that are looking to tackle problems that are difficult to solve.

Looking for Web Development Consulting Services?

Are you looking to take your website to the next level?  Book a call with Deepak Shukla, and find out how to provide web development consulting services for your company!


You can hire a web development consultant at any time of your project. They can help you build a website, when your website is finished and even when your website has run into an issue. The consultant is there to strengthen your website for more successful outcomes.

Yes, web development consultants are trained in web development. The consultant can implement the solutions or work with your current website designer. 

Web consultants are detailed-oriented and are always looking for ways to improve a website. Educational qualifications can vary. Typically they have an associate or bachelors degree in web development or computer science. 

They are trained to be problem solvers/ problem prevention. They will either solve an existing problem or strengthen your website to prevent future problems. They can specialise in the web application, SEO, etc.

It is not required to have a web development consultant, but it is always best to get a second opinion. A consultant can suggest ideas and solutions that weren’t previously thought of. People that are less experienced in web development and SEO tend to hire a consultant. It is always recommended to find one even for a short time because it is better to be safe than sorry. 

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