Becoming an IT specialist

IT Specialist

Source: Becoming an IT specialist is a rewarding task as there are a lot of opportunities. These include getting jobs in big companies and even starting your own company. A career in information technology can be a very rewarding and financially rewarding one as well. An IT specialist will find themselves among the most highly paid […]

How to Fix Error 404 Fast – and Why You Should

How to fix error 404 fast and why you should

A 404 not-found error page will be displayed to some of the visitors to your website. Perhaps the visitor typed a URL incorrectly or clicked a link that sent them to a page on your website that no longer exists. Whatever the reason, you need to know how to fix error 404 on your website, […]

How to restore a deleted WordPress blog

restore a deleted Wordpress blog

Source: The power of WordPress is incredible. It allows you to create a blog that reflects your brand and creates value for your readers is pretty remarkable.  WordPress is a popular content management system, allowing users to manage and edit their content.  But sometimes, users lose their posts, files, or entire web servers because of a mistake […]

UX design brief

UX Design Breif

Source: If you don’t use a UX designer, you’re missing out on the most crucial aspect of creating a product or business since a product design brief is the first step you should take in the creation process. A UX (user experience) is the complete opposite of a storyboard; it is a lean approach to the […]

How To Fix a ‘submitted URL marked ‘noindex’ Error

How To Fix a ‘submitted URL marked ‘noindex’ Error

THANKYOU PAGES Usually a thankyou page’s sole purpose is to express gratitude to your customer, newsletter subscriber, or first-time commenter. These are usually thin content pages with upsell and social share options, but no value for someone looking for information on Google. As a result, those pages should not appear in the search results. LOGIN […]

How to Fix an HTTP Image Upload Error in WordPress

Fix an HTTP Image Upload Error in Wordpress

You’ve written an amazing blog post. Or added a new page of carefully thought out, SEO optimized text to your product pages. All you need to do now is add a few images. However, when you try to upload an image to your WordPress site like you have hundreds of times before, all you get […]

How to Fix the WordPress Memory Exhausted Error

Fix the Wordpress Memory Exhausted Error

Are you getting an “Allowed Memory Size Exhausted”? error when you try to access your WordPress site? This is actually one of the most common WordPress errors, and it’s easy to correct by increasing your WordPress PHP memory cap. There are a couple of problems with that very simple statement, though. Many WordPress site owners […]

How to Fix a ERR TOO MANY REDIRECTS Error on Your WordPress Site

How to Fix a ERR TOO MANY REDIRECTS Error on Your Wordpress Site

So you got an “ERR TOO MANY REDIRECTS” message on your WordPress site … what do you do now? This problem can be perplexing because there is no easy way to troubleshoot or fix it. It’s scary for sure, as not being able to access your website is a big problem that, in many cases, can seriously […]